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Use the CLI to deploy your contracts directly to Any EVM compatible chain using the dashboard.


We now require you to authenticate using your API secret key in order to use this command. Check out how to login here.

npx thirdweb deploy


Running this command will:

  • Detect the framework (Hardhat, Foundry or Truffle).
  • Compile all the contracts in the current directory using your project settings.
  • Allow you to select which contract(s) you want to deploy.
  • Upload your contract metadata to IPFS, making sure it matches exactly the encoded IPFS hash in the compiled bytecode.
  • Detect the extensions on your contract.
  • Open the deploy flow in the dashboard for you to connect a wallet, input the contract parameters and select a chain to deploy to, without needing to hardcode private keys!
npx thirdweb [options]


-p--path <string>
  Path to project

  Clear the cache before building

  Dry run (skip actually publishing)

  Show debug logs

  Continuous Integration mode

--dist-path <string>
  Path to the dist folder where the HTML based App is

-n--name <string>
  Name of the pre-built or published contract (such as nft-drop)

-f--file <string>
  Filter for contract files that contain this file name

-cn--contract-name <string>
  Filter for contracts that contain this contract name

-cv--contract-version <string>
  Version of the published contract

  Deploy a web app to decentralized storage

  Deploy a smart contract to blockchains

  Deploy a dynamic smart contract made up of extensions to blockchains

-k--key <string>
  Optional parameter to use passed in secret key, most useful for continuous integration use cases